Sharing History | Gigot d’Agneau

Sometimes a memorable meal transcends your kitchen tools and cooking techniques.  Instead, it’s a celebration that connects you to your friends, family, and culture.  That’s what happens when you cook a leg of lamb.  It isn’t particularly complicated, but the result is magical.  If you appreciate the cut and revere the process, history will carry… Read More Sharing History | Gigot d’Agneau

Gameday in the Underworld | Lamb Tagine

I knew it was game day, I just didn’t make the traditional food for it. This is a novel spread for fall football entertaining because (well, it features lamb, but also!) each of these can be served either hot or room temperature. If it’s not your thing, give these dishes a try on a fall weekend when your favorite team has a bye.

First, tagine of lamb (we used lovely little lamb chops).… Read More Gameday in the Underworld | Lamb Tagine