Fast Fashion | Five-Spice Duck

This meal is simple enough for a weeknight, but also sexy enough for a date night. Just like a good pair of skinny black pants. Duck turns out to cost about as much as a good piece of grass-fed beef.  But somehow it seems altogether fresh and new for a weeknight meal.  Toss in some… Read More Fast Fashion | Five-Spice Duck

Local Foods Week | Whey Crepes with Ricotta and Zucchini

It’s the time of year where just about anything your heart desires is available fresh and local here in Ohio.  Farmer’s market tables groan under the weight of melons, zucchini, tomatoes, peaches.  Oh the loveliness. Local Matters (whose mission is to transform the food system in central Ohio to be more secure, prosperous, just and… Read More Local Foods Week | Whey Crepes with Ricotta and Zucchini

BFFs | Trout and Bacon

I understand the problem as well as anyone: we’re told to eat fish for its health benefits, but it’s a challenging ingredient that leaves us either nervous or unfulfilled.  We’re afraid to eat it, and when we do we’re hungry later.  Well I have the solution — trout paired with bacon.