Risotto of the Week | Spring Broad Bean and Foraged Dandelion

I returned home after a lengthy trip to Texas to find spring had sprung: the daffodils were spent and the ferns unfurling.  Nestled amongst said ferns on the shady side of the porch were dandelions, just emerged, with slender leaves and nary a flower in sight. Which of course meant they are at their peak… Read More Risotto of the Week | Spring Broad Bean and Foraged Dandelion

Variations on a Theme | Caramelized Endive and Walnut Risotto

It might strike you as esoteric, caramelized endive.  But let me assure you that it is entirely devour-able, and not in the slightest way effete. And the New Year is a perfect time to delve into comforting vegetarian dishes.  I just know you want to ease into your new-found resolve to eat more veggies, but… Read More Variations on a Theme | Caramelized Endive and Walnut Risotto

Risotto Night | Shrimp and Sea Beans

It happens pretty much once a week. I love it. Hades loves it. Cherub can’t get enough of it. I love that it’s a versatile dish that takes on whatever flavor or season you throw at it. I often make it as a vegetarian dish, and we never really miss the meat on those nights. You can even skip cheese to make it vegan if you top it with a delicious and simple pangrattato. This summer’s versions have included carrot and coriander or the ubiquitous tomato and basil, as well as this week’s fancy-schmancy version: shrimp with sea beans.… Read More Risotto Night | Shrimp and Sea Beans